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How do I place an order online?You can place your orders online using our convenient and secure shopping cart. Browse through the site to select the products you want. Use the "add to cart" button to place an item in your cart. If you change your mind about purchasing a product, you can remove it from your cart later using the "Delete Item" button. When you're ready to check-out, select the "Go to Checkout" button. This will take you to a page that will let you review your order and confirm payment and shipping options.
Is this site secure?We use one of the best security products available on the Internet for on-line shopping as well as the powerful SSL layering technology to keep all of your information encrypted during the entire ordering process. The information you enter is stored on a secured server -- it is NOT e-mailed to us. This ensures that your information stays private and safe.
What if I don't want to use online ordering?You may call 1-951-339-8661 and order over the phone if you feel uncomfortable about entering confidential information over the Internet. We know many people do, so we've made our ordering process flexible. You can also fax your order to 855-651-3295.
How do you ship your products?We ship our products via FedEx ground service. This keeps the shipping affordable and fast, and that saves you time and money. If you would like us to ship your products using another shipping method such as next day air, then simply let us know when you place your order.
Is there a minimum order requirement?We have a first time minimum of $250.00 on your first order. Reorders have a minimum of $100.00
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